Andre Iguodala Dunks On Lebron James

Apr 11, 2009

Andre Iguodala takes Lebron to the hole and posterizes him.


Anonymous said...

that's no poster dunk

Anonymous said...

that dunk was weak. I agree, there was no posterization.

Anonymous said...

what the hell he didn't even dunk on him

Anonymous said...

so he got dunked on a dunk is a dunk

Unknown said...

What the hell are u talking about that lebron didnt get dunked on...his man he was gaurding blew right past him and dunked while he tried to block no nothing about basketball

Anonymous said...

Of Course he got dunked on, his own man that he was guarding dunked on him as he tried to block it.

Anonymous said...

it was a poster dunk but you know since it was lebron den it wasnt

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